Sunday, 18 December 2011


HoHoHo!Merry Christmas!Its December and Christmas!How I wished Singapore would snow.Anways,for Christmas special,im gonaa do a tutorial on how to do candycane eyes inspired by Michelle Phan.So off we gooo!

 Step1:Start off with a clean face(Anti-Makeup).
  Step2:Apply red tone eyeshadow on your eyelid.Makesure your eyelid is full off red.Feel free to blend the red eyeshadow with other tones of red.

Step3:Highlight your eyebrow bone make your eye more bigger and elegant. 
 Step4:Eyeline your eyeline and iner corner of your eye with white or silver eyeliner.
 YOU should like this.Now,for the last step:D^.^
 Step5:Line your eyelid with silver eyeliner.Then,stripe your eyelid with red eyeshadow so as to make it look like a candycane.We have came to the end of this tutorial.ThankYou:D

Sunday, 11 December 2011


HEY GUYS!Sorry for not posting for loooong time.I was busy preparing for Secondary 1....K.Eff this,i was busy with computer games.So,this post is gonna teach you how to use a lips definer.It may not be the best tutorial for you.*warning*

 You just need a lip definer.Let's burn this thang up yaw.

 Beginning with your upper part of the lips,trace outer lips to the side of your lips.DO NOT press the lip definer on your lips.Be gentle or your lips will become like Shanaynay's.And all you have to do is trace the remaining part of the lip definer which is you below lips.For the colour of lipstick,depends on what colour your lip definer is.If its brown,use brown lipstick.If its red,use red lipstick.This post is really short.Anyways,Christmas is coming so maybe I will do a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL for you guys.Do look forward to it aites!<3

Monday, 28 November 2011

What to wear on an interview.

Holaaa. Firstly, sorry for not posting. We have been kind abusy since we are still students and blablabla. Anyway, today, imma tell you what to wear on an interview. Alright, believe me or not, but first impression is VERYVERYVERY important. What do you feel if you're the interviewer and the person applying for the jo is wearing tattered shorts and tank-top? Get what i mean? Alright, eventhough you want to look good, you must feel comfortable. If you're in the middle of the interview, your outfit is making you, for example, hot. You'll start sweating and sweating, actually makes people nervous and uncomfortable. So, war something fashionably sophisticated and yet comfortable. For exampleee.

Alright, this outfit is purrfect. It consists of black jeans, grey 3/4 top and a blue blazer together with a oversized bag to put your stuff and nude brown short wedges. This look looks sophisticated with the help of the blazer. Then, just put on a long beaded necklace to put a pinch of fashionable at  the the look. The top, is plain and is made out of 100% cotton. Cotton is really comforbale and it won't make you feel hot. I know what youa re thinking, the blazer will. But, not all blazers are think. This blazer that I'm wearing is from Cotton On and it is not thick AT ALL. So, it makes you comfortable. When you look fashionable and you feel pretty, it actually builds up your confidence. So, go to that interview and get the job! Alright, good luck on trying!


CL or Minzy 2ne1 in 'I am the best' look (maybe)

 HELL0!This is a tutorial on CL or Minzy 2ne1 'I am the best'.This may not be the best tutorial for you.Sorry:)

Step 1:Take a black eyeliner and as usual,line your eyelid THICKLY like <---this:)

Step 2:Apply fake eyelashes.NOte:Buy the eyelashes that is reallyreally THICK because thin eyelashes won't do.Or even easier,use mascara:)

 Step 3: Line your below eye and you are done!Anyway,2012 will not have as much posts as 2011 as we are moving to secondary school and we might not have much time to post.So sorry!:D

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Eyebag treatment::)

HELOHELO!This is just a short post uh.I cant do much because too many things are stuck in my head.SO,this post is basically showing you how to prevent eyebags.

Always try to sleep early .Sleeping late will make your eyes tire and make you look older than you actually are.If there is eyebag,try to treat it with cucumber .Last tip,cover it with concealer.THE EASIEST WAY:).Im so sorry icant post much today.I was thinking too much bout tomorow.PSLE results!Wish Me and other P6s good luck.k.baibaii:)

Monday, 21 November 2011

Tomato Scrub:)

hEyo.Have you ever wondered how do people get flawless like skin?Maybe this tutorial s not gonna help but its worth a try!Results after this tomato scrub is having fresh rehydrated skin.So,let's go!:D

 Step 1: Slice the top part of the tomato .It doesn't matter how thin or thick it is.So long you slice the tomato:)

 Step 2: Then,pour some sugar on a plate.Tap the tomato slice on top of the sugar.Make sure the amount of sugar is even:)
 Step 3: Rub the sugared-tomato all over your face.Be gentle:)Wait for ten minutes.Then rinse you face.

 And you are done!What to do with the leftovers?Eat them!Have fun!Baiii:)


Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Tips on how to prevent your face clean and clear:)

Hey guys!You would wanna know how to get a smooth face without any pimples or wrinkles right?Well,after this post,you would not have to worry on having pimple outbreaks or wretched wrinkles.

Imagine your face as a plant.Without water,it would wrinkle.Without sunlight,it would die.Same goes to our face.Without skin moisturizer,our face will dehydrate.Without face wash,our face gonna have a pimple outbreak.Maybe I exaggerate to much huh?Ok,then let's not beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

Tip 1: If you have time,between 8am to 10am,spend your time exposing your skin to the sun.The sun normally gives out vitamins to your face between 8am to 10am.
Tip 2: Sugar intake is really important.If you consume too much sugar,your face will look older than you are.Having too much sugar will also cause diabetes.
Tip 3: DO NOT eat too much peanuts as it will cause you to have pimples.You might not notice it now,but when you have started puberty,you'll see the effect.
Tip 4: Always try to find time to apply skin moisturizer to make your face always refreshed.
Tip 5: When you are out in the sun for a long time,always remember to put in sunscreen to prevent your face from the UV ray.

That's all I have for today.Sorry I didn't upload pictures as I spent my day at Gradnite.Sorry!:)Baibai:)<3