Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Tips on how to prevent your face clean and clear:)

Hey guys!You would wanna know how to get a smooth face without any pimples or wrinkles right?Well,after this post,you would not have to worry on having pimple outbreaks or wretched wrinkles.

Imagine your face as a plant.Without water,it would wrinkle.Without sunlight,it would die.Same goes to our face.Without skin moisturizer,our face will dehydrate.Without face wash,our face gonna have a pimple outbreak.Maybe I exaggerate to much huh?Ok,then let's not beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

Tip 1: If you have time,between 8am to 10am,spend your time exposing your skin to the sun.The sun normally gives out vitamins to your face between 8am to 10am.
Tip 2: Sugar intake is really important.If you consume too much sugar,your face will look older than you are.Having too much sugar will also cause diabetes.
Tip 3: DO NOT eat too much peanuts as it will cause you to have pimples.You might not notice it now,but when you have started puberty,you'll see the effect.
Tip 4: Always try to find time to apply skin moisturizer to make your face always refreshed.
Tip 5: When you are out in the sun for a long time,always remember to put in sunscreen to prevent your face from the UV ray.

That's all I have for today.Sorry I didn't upload pictures as I spent my day at Gradnite.Sorry!:)Baibai:)<3 

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