Friday, 28 October 2011

simple fairy costume.

so, halloween is reallyyy close. so, if you don't have time or money to buy a costume, just be a fairy and use things that you can find at home. actually, everyone should already know how to do this. :) anyways, enjoy. :)
  •  A : Pick silver shoes. And, pick shoes that you feel comfortable with cause you always wanna feel comfortable when you are having fun! You are encouraged to wear the colour silver or white as it represents the value 'PURE'. Obviously, fairies, are pure.PUREE GOOD!
  • B : For the outfit, pick a double layered white dress. It is up to you to wear a simple and plain one or a designed one. But, if you are wearing a designed one, make sure the design doesn't stand out that much and doesn't include the colours ; black or brown. Then, together with that, wear a half-top jacket which material is really smooth.
  • C : To accessorise, wear a brooch that has a butterfly. That'll totally show that you're a fairy. The wings of the butterfly will represent, YOUR wings. :)
  • D : If you feel like a brooch doesn't complete you accessorising process, easy. Just wear a small bangle which has white pearls or gems.                                                                                            
Andd.. DONE! So, this is reallyy easy. Goodluck and bye!


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